Monday, March 5, 2012

Caravels/ Gifts of Enola-Well Worn
This is my favorite split so far this year. Caravels for those who don't know are a extremely impressive post-hardcore act that is raw and uncompromising but yet has all kinds of experimental qualities to them. We're still (eagerly) awaiting a full l length from these dudes, I believe they've released two EPs and a slew of splits. On the Caravels' side common sounds include funky bass grooves, steady rhythmic drum work, and a guitar sound that has a little more reverb then most.  
On the second half, with Gifts of Enola we hear epic build ups to screamo that fades in and out of sounding like it's coming from far away. On this side we hear a a lot more strange melodies, the into to "Water Torture" reminds me of an Arcade Fire song or something.Their songs are longer then Caravel's, the longest is almost eight minutes. The guitar work on this side rules, seriously listen to some of the riffs on "Angel Face". This split defiantly makes me interested in digging up their earlier work, as it should you.
For Fans of: We Were Skeletons, Legos, Lizards Have Personalities

Stream Caravel's side


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